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    Anthurium Fort Sherman Original

    Anthurium Fort Sherman Original

    Regular price $169.00 CAD
    Regular price Sale price $169.00 CAD
    Sale Sold out
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    Plant Care Guide: 

    Bright Indirect Light: 6 ~ 8h

    Temperature19 ~ 26°C

    Humidity: > 60% 

    Water: When mostly dry


    🪴 Common Name: Anthurium Papilillaminum 'Fort Sherman', Anthurium FS

    🪴 Introduction: Anthurium papillilaminum 'Fort Sherman', known for its value among breeders for creating new plant forms, produces extremely saturated leaf colors even under fairly bright and dry conditions.

    Our specially selected Anthurium 'FS', derived from Anthurium fs x self, showcases the plant's most striking traits: velvety and black leaf blades paired with elegantly narrow leaf shapes, highlighting the unique allure of the Anthurium 'Fort Sherman'.

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