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    Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 x Darkest Panama

    Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 x Darkest Panama

    Regular price $149.00 CAD
    Regular price Sale price $149.00 CAD
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    Plant Care Guide: 

    Bright Indirect Light: 6 ~ 8h

    Temperature19 ~ 26°C

    Humidity: > 60% 

    Water: When mostly dry


    🪴 Common Name:  Anthurium Papi Xone
    🪴 Introduction: Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 is a rare plant and known for its heart-shaped dark green velvety leaves with long and pointed at the end of the leaf. 

     The origin of Anthurium Darkest Panama comes from the color of velvet leaves that are dark green to almost black. This exotic hybrid combines the captivating beauty of Anthurium Papi Xone with the deep, mysterious allure of Darkest Panama. Its striking appearance, characterized by vibrant colors and unique patterns, makes it a standout addition to any plant collection.

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